ASUS ZenBook won’t get out of sleep mode (UX430UAR)

3 min readOct 2, 2020


My girlfriend owned an Asus ZenBook (UX430UAR). It’s a nice small laptop, it works great, except for one thing: the sleep mode of this ZenBook is completely broken. When it goes into sleep mode, you never wake it up again… besides that she complained a lot about it overheating when it is in sleep mode. If you recognize these symptoms, it’s a good idea to read on.

Soooo… my girlfriend asked me if I could have a look at her laptop. I am a junior website developer so I can get my head around computers. Google is your best friend.

I found a lot of information about this topic, but nothing seems to work. Update the drivers, the bios, try windows support, replace ssd …

I couldn’t find a solution for the problem, but I did find a workaround. Stay with me, it’s not an easy solution, but with this info, you will get rid off this pain in your ass.

Hibernate vs Sleep mode

A little bit of information here. I don’t know the exact history of hibernation mode. It seems to be some other state of sleep mode to me. It saves your files and when you turn your computer back on, it continues where it went off.

We want your laptop to go to hibernate instead of sleep mode

Big but: apparently, windows got rid of this functionality in an update several months ago. I don’t know exactly why and how. I own a dell and I can just activate hibernate in my control panel. But yeah, Asus users, you can’t… So we have to get there from the Windows PowerShell (admin).

  1. Open Windows PowerShell, let’s run it as admin
Windows powershell (admin)

2. Try following command: powercfg /h /?

Powercfg is a command that controls your power schemes.

/h is an abbreviation for hibernate, this means this will control the hibernate power scheme.

/? will show you possible some explanations to what this option can do.

powercfg /h /?

We will set type to full in the command in the next step.

3. Set hibernate type to full: powercfg /h /TYPE FULL

This will allow you to apply the setting again in the control panel again. So let’s go there now.

4. Restart your computer to apply changes (I’m not sure if this is required for every pc, but it is always a good idea)

5. Go to “Control panel > System and security > Change what power buttons do”

Control panel > System and security > Change what power buttons do

6. Set everything to hibernate.


7. It is probably a good idea to restart your laptop again

8. Test that shit out

I really hope this helps you. If you have any question about this, or it does not seem to work, feel free to ask me in the comment. Windows and Asus are constantly updating their products, so this fix may be only temporary.




Written by Jokke

Web Developer, Designer, Musician, Volleybal Player. ❤ the beauty of creation.

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